by Moses PC | Nov 19, 2020 | Blog, Elder Care
While every state can enact elder care law that bolsters existing federal regulations, the federal nursing home law statutes must be followed in every state. If you live in Alabama and believe a nursing home has mistreated your elder loved one by violating these rules...
by Moses PC | Sep 15, 2020 | Blog, Elder Law
COVID-19 is particularly concerning for the elderly if they are living in long-term care facilities. These places present an increased level of danger for this population because health care workers are taking care of several people as they move from one room...
by Moses PC | Aug 3, 2020 | Blog, Power of Attorney
As people age, their capabilities to perform various functions like management of property become limited. A power of attorney comes in handy to help you as the principal to donate your powers to another party – known as an agent – to act on your behalf in...
by Moses PC | Jun 21, 2020 | Medicaid
Access to affordable medical care is especially important during a global health crisis. You should be aware that federal law prevents states that have accepted increased Medicaid funding from terminating Medicaid benefits while the coronavirus health emergency...
by Moses PC | Jun 5, 2020 | Blog
Chronic understaffing. Low-wage caregivers. Difficulty containing infections. These are problems that nursing homes faced in the best of times but that have proved especially deadly as the coronavirus pandemic has spread like wildfire though long-term care facilities....