Unfortunately, tax scams are the on the rise. So you don’t become a victim to these scams, remember these important reminders from the IRS:
1. The IRS will never call to demand immediate payment, or call about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill;
2. The IRS will never demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe;
3. The IRS will never require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card;
4. The IRS will never ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone; and
5. The IRS will never threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.
To read the IRS’s full article regarding the most recent Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts click on the following link: https://www.irs.gov/uac/tax-scams-consumer-alerts .